Change Request

Submit Change Request

Users will submit change requests on the Subject New Change Requests form. Change requests are handled separately from applications in that they are included as Post-Certification actions that appear in the Post-Certification tab of an application for a certificate. They are also available as references on the actual Certificate details page



Name Change - A change of the company's name

Address Change - A change of the Plant or Mailing Address

Location Change - The result of a Postal Redesignation

AIA Change - A change of Authorized Inspection Agency

Extension Request - A request to extend the active period of a certificate

Scope Change - A change of scope for an existing certificate

Other - Anything that does not fit in the above categories



Displays a list of your company's applications.  Choosing an application will associate your change request with that application.



Select Certificates to Change

This section has a listing of all of your Certificates. Click on the checkbox next to the certificate you want to submit the change request for.  Change requests that affect company information (e.g. Company Name or Plant Address) will need to affect all certificates.


Specify Changes

Free text field. Users are required to fill out this field when submitting a change request.



Reason for Change Request

Free text field. Users are required to fill out this field when submitting a change request.
