Adding Attachments

About Attachments

Adding Multiple Attachments

Attaching Only One File


About Attachments



Adding Multiple Attachments

You may attach more than one file to your email:


  1. To include multiple attachments to your email, click the Add Attachments link (1)

  2. Click the Browse button (2)

  3. Locate the file, then click the Upload Attachment button (3)




  1. The name of the file(s) will appear on the screen (1, below)


Note: The system will automatically add the login name to the beginning of the file name (e.g. LastF-FileName.doc).


  1. Repeat for all needed documents. (Remember that the maximum attachment size is 2Mb)

  2. If you want to delete a file you no longer require, click the Remove link (2)






Attaching Only One File

If you only have one file to attach to your email, you can bypass the steps outlined in the previous section.




  1. To upload a single attachment to your email, and you have completed the step to Review and Send the Email (covered in the next slide), scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Browse button to locate the file.

  2. The file name will appear in the Attachment field.

  3. Remember that the maximum attachment size is 2Mb.


Note: The Committee File Sharing feature will allow you to share files without the worry of size limitations (covered in Module 9 – C&S/ CMS).