Officer Ballots


Column Overview


About Staff Notification of Volunteer Created Ballots


Staff Secretaries do not use the Officer Items -> Show Ballots functionality. This tab does not contain any information for them. Instead, Staff Secretaries should access any open ballots through the Ballots tab.


For Officers, the Officer Items -> Show Ballots section displays all of the ballots that officer has created. From here they can Update the ballot, Close the ballot, Send a Reminder Email to everyone who has not voted on the ballot, or send a request to the Staff Secretary to Delete the Ballot.


Column Overview






The Actions column lists all actions available to the user for each ballot in the Officer Items > Officer Ballots tab. Actions were changed from buttons to hyperlinks. Ballot actions are: Update/Close, Delete, Post Response, and Send Reminder.

Note: For Officers, the “Delete” button will only nominate a Ballot for deletion and sends an email to the Staff Secretary with a reason for the deletion.



About Staff Notification of Volunteer Created Ballots


When an officer of a committee without a Staff Secretary creates a record or ballot the system automatically sends an e-mail to the Staff Contact. C&S Connect does this by searching up the committee hierarchy until it finds a committee that has a staff secretary.






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