About Staff Notification of Volunteer Created Ballots
Staff Secretaries do not use the Officer Items -> Show Ballots functionality. This tab does not contain any information for them. Instead, Staff Secretaries should access any open ballots through the Ballots tab.
For Officers, the Officer Items -> Show Ballots section displays all of the ballots that officer has created. From here they can Update the ballot, Close the ballot, Send a Reminder Email to everyone who has not voted on the ballot, or send a request to the Staff Secretary to Delete the Ballot.
Primary Committee: This is the primary committee responsible for the record/ballot. The committee is displayed in a separate row instead of a column. It includes an expand/collapse button that when clicked will allow you to view all records that are listed for a particular committee. Displays the abbreviated name of the primary committee of this ballot.
Show / Hide: Allows you to Show or Hide the ballots depending on whether you are viewing visible or hidden ballots at the time (see My Items Overview for details).
Ballot#: Tracking number assigned to the ballot in C&S Connect.
Description: Truncated preview of the ballot’s description field for ease of reference.
Created By: Name of the User who created the ballot. The name is displayed as First Last, Accreditation format.
Created Date: Date the ballot was created.
Ballot Level: Where the ballot is in its lifecycle.
Actions: Actions you can take on this ballot. Options are Update, Close, Send Reminder, and Delete, but some may not be available based on the Ballot Level. Actions are displayed as blue hyperlinks and clicking the hyperlink will open the relevant action window (details below).
Help: Displays a window that describes the available actions.
The Actions column lists all actions available to the user for each ballot in the Officer Items > Officer Ballots tab. Actions were changed from buttons to hyperlinks. Ballot actions are: Update/Close, Delete, Post Response, and Send Reminder.
About Staff Notification of Volunteer Created Ballots
When an officer of a committee without a Staff Secretary creates a record or ballot the system automatically sends an e-mail to the Staff Contact. C&S Connect does this by searching up the committee hierarchy until it finds a committee that has a staff secretary.
If your problem was not resolved here, send an email to helpdesk.
If you notice a mistake in the help file, send an email to training@asme.org.