ANSI Reports



    1. Ordered by Designation

    2. Ordered by Review End Date

    3. W/Out ANSI Acknowledgement

    4. Year-to-date Status Report


To view ANSI Reports:




This is an example of an ANSI status report.  It includes the Name, BSR #, Designation, BSR-9 Submittal Date and ANSI Approval date:




This is an example of an ANSI status report.  It includes the Name, BSR #, Designation, BSR-9 Submittal Date and ANSI Approval date.


For another example:

  1. Select a report from the drop-down menu

  2. Click View




This is an example of a BSR-8 w/out ANSI Acknowledgement report.  It includes BSR #, Designation, Title, and status of ANSI Acknowledgement, in this example there has been NO ANSI Acknowledgement:

