Notes are sometimes added to tables to further clarify data. For clarity, each statement appearing within a note item must be a complete sentence.
GENERAL NOTE: To be verified by testing of specimen from each casting that serves as machining stock for inserts.
GENERAL NOTE: Test coupons shall be taken from each casting that serves as machining stock for inserts and shall be tested to verify that the physical properties of the material meet the requirements in this table.
All General Notes and Notes are considered mandatory and are part of the code/standard in which they appear.
When a note applies to the entire table, it is called a General Note. General Notes are listed under the final bottom rule of the table. If there is only one General Note, it must run in with the words “GENERAL NOTE:” with runover flush left. If there are two or more General Notes, list them alphabetically [(a), (b), (c), etc.], beginning flush left below the “GENERAL NOTES:” entry. Runover hangs on text 1-en to the right of the close parenthesis. Remember to end each General Note with a period.
If a note applies only to a specific part of the table, it is treated as a referenced note. If there are any referenced Notes, they are listed after General Notes. (If there are no General Notes, then Notes follow bottom rule of the table.) Regardless of how many Notes there are, begin these flush left below “NOTES:” and list them numerically [(1), (2), (3), etc.]. If there is only one note, use the term “NOTE” followed by a colon. Runover hangs on text 1-en to the right of the close parenthesis. Remember to end each referenced note with a period.
Referenced Notes must be referenced within the table itself (among column heads and entries), and should be in numerical order from left to right across column heads, then left to right and down among entries.
If one or several Notes are referenced in the table title, delete the reference(s) and list these as General Notes.
The preferred style for referencing Notes in a column head or table entry is “[Note (1)],” “[Notes (1) and (2)],” or “[Notes (1)-(6)].” If it is absolutely necessary to abbreviate due to space limitations, a Note may be referenced as just the number in parentheses: “(1)”, “(1), (2)”; “(1)-(6).”
General Notes and Notes are set ragged right and should run the full width of the table (even when landscaped).
For any table, if only the General Notes and Notes run over as the last page of the table, repeat the title of the table on top of the page and add the word “Cont’d” to the end of the title. Below the title, set the words “GENERAL NOTES” or “NOTES” (as applicable) followed by the notes themselves. In situations where General Notes/Notes runover from one page to another, the words “NOTES (Cont’d)”/“GENERAL NOTES (Cont’d)” should be set below the table title. This rule also applies to figures.