Code cases are issued in 11 supplements during a three-year boiler code cycle.
Index of Material Specification Referred to in Code Cases
Charts for Vessels Under External Pressure
Applicability Index (Nuclear Only)
Each new Case has a Case page (title page) listing its original Board approval date. On the Case page, the title is always listed as follows: Case no., subject, applicable Code Section or Sections.
The text following the title always consists of an Inquiry and Reply phrased in standard Code style. Text is treated in the same way as for the Code. References to figures and tables of a Case must appear in the Inquiry or Reply. Numbering of paragraphs is per standard ASME style. See Sample.
New Cases must be listed in the Numeric Index with their Board approval dates; new titles and Case numbers are added to both the Subject Index and, if the Case contains reference to ASME, ASTM, or International specifications, to the Material Specification Index.
If a Case is to be annulled, the Committee must specify one of the following reasons for the annulment:
(a) its provisions were incorporated into a Section of the Code and therefore its provisions are redundant with the Code’s
(b) it is no longer needed by the original user or any other user .
The annulment page lists the following:
(1) title
(2) annulment date: either the scheduled expiration or a Board ballot closing date
(3) reason for annulment (standard wording of annulment reasons):
(a) No longer needed
(b) Requirement incorporated into Section ... (Nuclear only)
(c) Publication of revision to Section ..., in the 20xx Addenda
(4) all folios affected by annulment of the Case.
Annulled Case entries are left in the Numeric Index until the new edition, when they are deleted.
When a Case is revised, it is given a new revision suffix (e.g., 1467-3), and all pages of the case carry the new revision suffix in the running head and supplement number at the bottom of the page. The Case (title) page is revised to include the new approval date and revision suffix.
Since the Numeric Index is historical, new entries for revisions are added to older entries for a particular Case rather than replacing them. See Sample.
Any title change must be reflected in the Subject Index, and if any material specifications were added or deleted by the revision, the Material Specification Index must be updated.
When the provisions of a Case are incorporated into the Code, the Case is annulled 6 months after the Addenda containing the Code revision is issued.
Revision into Addenda incorporated into the July 1 addenda/edition: case expires January 1 of the following year.
Occasionally, the Committee decides there is a new need for a Case that had been annulled in the past. A reinstated Case is treated just like a new Case, except under approval date in the Numeric Index the date is prefixed by the letter R. A reinstated Case always gets a new suffix, whether or not there was a wording or technical change; that new suffix is not necessarily a “1.” If there is no change in the reinstated case put in a footnote within to indicate this.
Errata changes are made on the affected pages and listed in the Numeric Index. A margin note, E, is placed next to the affected area.
All of the above actions are listed in a Summary of Changes. Indicate which pages were affected as accurately as possible.