BPVC Style Guide


An errata sheet lists errors that were discovered too late in the production process to correct in the book. Errata sheets are used to correct only critical substantive errors, not minor typographical errors.

In Boiler Code, an errata sheet consists of the following elements in this order:

  1. the words “Special Errata to”

  2. the term “ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code”

  3. designator of the Boiler Code Section being corrected

  4. edition year, followed by the word “Edition”

  5. description of the correction being made

  6. reproduction of the figure, table, or section of text being corrected

  7. copyright publisher’s name and address

  8. date of issuance (month and year only)

  9. bar code

  10. book number

See Sample.

Reference E-2
june 13, 2008