The Accreditation/Certificate Programs defaults to Boiler. If the Program is not Boiler, choose the appropriate Accreditation/ Certification Program. from the list of programs on the Select Type drop down list of options.
Only those Certificate Types that are related to the chosen program will be displayed. Each Company account can only be linked to one program. If you need to apply for certificates under a new program, you will need to use the View Profile link in the upper right and click "Add New Company"
Accreditation/Certification Program options are:
Boiler & Pressure Vessel Certification (Boiler) (*includes Safety Valves)
Nuclear Component Certification (Nuclear)
Quality System Certificate for Nuclear Material Organizations (QSC)
Authorized Inspection Agency Accreditation (AIA)
Elevator Inspector Certification Organization Accreditation Program (QEI)
Pressure Relief Device Testing Laboratory Accreditation (PRD)
Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Corrosion Resistant Equipment Accreditation Program (RTP)
Note: For BPE and NQA-1 Programs you will need to manually fill out the Application Form. Once the application form is completely filled out, submit the application via e-mail to
Proceed to BPE Application Form