Real Time Ballots


Setting Up a Real-Time Ballot

Setup Options

Opening a Pre-Existing Real-Time Ballot

Work in Progress Real Time Ballots

Voting on a Real Time Ballot

Capture Attendance Tab

Real Time Ballot Voting Options

Recording Votes

Finalize a Real Time Ballot

E-Mail Notifications

Creating a Real-Time Recirculation Ballot



Real-time ballots are used for capturing live votes while at a meeting. Currently, real-time ballots can only be used for first consideration and recirculation ballots, not for membership actions. Some of the advantages of creating a Real-Time Ballot are:


Real-Time Ballot setup is handled by the Staff Secretary prior to the meeting. The ballot is completed in two phases: Setup and Voting.



Setting Up a Real-Time Ballot


Real Time Ballot Creation:

To create a Real Time Ballot go to the Staff tab. Choose the Primary Committee Responsible (1) Select Real-Time Ballot from the list of Ballot options (2) and click Go (3)





You will need to select between creating a First Consideration Ballot or a Recirculation Ballot (1)




While the two types of Real-Time Ballots are similar in many respects there are a few differences to Recirculation Ballots:



Setup Options

Once you have chosen First-Consideration or Recirculation Real Time Ballot you will be taken to the Ballot Setup Details screen (See image below)



The Real-time Ballot has now been added to your Existing Real-time Ballot Setups Tab.






Opening a Pre-Existing Real-Time Ballot


To open a Real Time Ballot that you had created previously go to the Staff tab. Select the Primary Committee Responsible (1) Select Real-Time Ballot from the list of Ballot options (2) and click Go (3)




You will be taken to the New Real-time Ballot Setup Screen, but instead of selecting “First Consideration Ballot” or “Recirculation Ballot” you will navigate to one of the other two tabs:






Existing Real-time Ballot Setups:




Existing Real-time Ballot Setups tab contains a list of Real-time ballots you prepared ahead of time and are ready to vote on at a committee meeting.  Ballots listed under this tab have not yet been saved as a Work in Progress and as a result do not have a ballot number.  



Work in Progress Real Time Ballots




Work in Progress Real Time Ballots tab contains a list of Real-time ballots you have saved as Work in Progress.  Once the Real-time ballot is saved as a Work in Progress the system will issue a ballot number.  Ballots listed here will be Real-time ballots that your committee voted on during a meeting, saved as work in progress, and are available for you to reopen when you return from a break during the meeting.  



Voting on a Real Time Ballot


Capture Attendance Tab

Once you have opened up the Real Time Ballot to be voted on you will be prompted to mark the attendance for that ballot on the Real-Time Ballot Votes Form.






Real Time Ballot Voting Options

Once you have recorded attendance you will be taken to the Real-Time Ballot Votes Form where you can choose what records to vote on.






Real Time Ballot Voting Options: Recording Votes

Once you have clicked on the “Vote” button for a record you will be taken to the expanded Real-Time Ballot Votes Form in order to record the votes for that record.





This is where you will record votes on individual records in the meeting.  


Note: This field is not used to record comments on negatives – The volunteers will have the opportunity to do that once the real-time ballot has been finalized and activated.




Finalize a Real Time Ballot

When you are finished recording votes on a Ballot and have clicked Finalize Ballot you will be taken to the Finalize Real-Time Ballot screen.   The fields seen on this screen are very similar to those seen when creating a ballot but many of the fields will already be filled in from your previous Real-time ballot set up.









E-Mail Notifications

After a Real-Time ballot is finalized and activated, the Staff Secretary, all the members whose votes were recorded and those who were marked absent will receive an auto email notifying them that the ballot is open.  In addition, any committees selected for Review & Comment will get an automatic email notification.


Note: All members balloted on the committee whether present at the meeting or absent will receive an auto email.   After the Real Time Ballot is finalized, it becomes a regular ballot and all members balloted on the committee will get the auto email.  Members who disapproved will have to provide their comments to valid the disapproved vote and those not present will be able cast their votes.




Creating a Real-Time Recirculation Ballot


All ballots are created by going to C&S Connect > Staff tab.





Ballot setup stages are broken into two different groups for Real-time Recirculation Ballots: New Real-time Ballot Setups and Work in Progress Real-time Ballot:


A new screen will open to the New Real-time Ballot Setup:





Step 1: Select a Ballot


A new screen will open to Step 1 of the Real-Time Recirculation Ballot Process. Here you can locate the ballot for recirculation by either Ballot # (1) or Record # (2):






Step 1: Searching by Ballot #


If searching by Ballot # (1), use the auto-fill field to help you find the correct ballot. Select the ballot and click on the Show Ballots button (2):




The screen will expand to show you a table of search results and options.






Step 1:  Searching by Record #


If searching by Record #, use the auto-fill field to help you find the correct record. Select the ballot and click on the Show Records button:




The screen will expand to show you a table of search results and options.




To recirculate the ballot containing this record, click the Recirculate link under Actions.  


Step 2: Adjust Records and Committees


This screen provides information about what was included on the original ballot: Ballot Number, Records/Record Status, Committees Balloted and Committees for Review and Comment:


Section 1

In this section you can remove eligible records from the ballot, to do so, click on a record number and click the >> button (1). This will move the record from the included column to the excluded column. If you want to move it back to the included column, select the record and click the << button (2):




Note:  Only eligible records show up in the Original Records Included field under the section "1. Select Records to REMOVE from New Recirculation Ballot" (See image above) Eligible records include all Approved, Disapproved and Pending records.  However, records marked as Pending are not eligible for recirculation.


Section 2

In this section you can remove committees from the ballot, to do so, click on a committee and click the >> button (1). This will move the committee from the included column to the excluded column. If you want to move it back to the included column, select the record and click the << button (2):





Section 3

In this section you can add and remove committees for review and comment. This section has 3 columns: Available Committees, Committees Included and Committees Excluded.





When you are finished with Step 2, click the Next button, to move to Step 3: Update Ballot Details and Send (5).



Step 3: Update Ballot Details and Send


This screen allows you to make changes to the Ballot Details:

  1. Make sure the Ballot Level is correct (1)

  2. Enter the Voting Period Ends date (2)





Next, you can update the Ballot Description (3), Explanation (4), Opening Staff Remarks (5), and Supporting Material Documents (6).  When you are done with your updates, click the Add Ballot button (7):




After a few moments, a confirmation prompt appears, displaying your new Real-time ballot number:





Important Notes: