Column heads are set u/lc, boldface, centered, and should align on the baseline of the last lines of all column heads. Sometimes, straddle heads are required, when a description applies to more than one column. Unless the table is tight on space, do not use abbreviations except for units of measurement and “Max.” or “Min.” for “Maximum” and “Minimum.” Spell out “Minimum” and “Maximum” when they begin a column head.
Some column heads may contain a title, a variable, units of measure, and Note references. In such cases order the column head as follows:
(a) title followed by a comma
(b) variable followed by a comma
(c) units of measure
(d) Note
If a column head contains the word “Minimum” or “Maximum,” this should be placed at the beginning of the title. If a variable appears in a column head, it should be both boldface and italic. (See Sample.) Also, Note references should always be the last part of/last line in a column head, and should not be preceded by a comma. See Note References under General Notes and Notes for more information on referencing..